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Stamba blo Fridom

Documentary, by Marcel MELTHERORONG (Vanuatu) , Fred FONTES (France)

Blue Tree Production (Vanuatu)

90 minutes
editing stage

A history of independence

Request for accreditation


On 14 November 1979, the legislative elections in the New Hebrides brought the independentists to power. This dream of independence, which became a reality on 30 July 1980, was led by a handful of young politicians, most of whom were able to study abroad. It was born mainly out of a desire to give back to the locals their land, which had been occupied by the colonists. The country became known as "Vanuatu" and "Ni-Vanuatu" as its inhabitants. Marcel Melto is a Ni-Vanuatu artist. He is part of the 'independence generation', people born at the time when the country was also born. This generation is preparing to lead the country, but above all is questioning the path taken since the Franco-English condominium came to an end. Marcel meets some great figures of this event which will unite all the islands of the archipelago under the same flag, but also village chiefs and, above all, ordinary citizens.

Director's note

Jr dhvpxyl orpnzr sevraqf nsgre Serq'f neeviny va Inahngh naq rkpunatrq ivrjf ba znal fhowrpgf, vapyhqvat vaqrcraqrapr naq gur vaqrcraqrapr bs gur pbhagel va cnegvphyne.

Znepry univat cnegvpvcngrq va gur XXXX svyz &dhbg;Yrf îyrf qr Znef&dhbg; va juvpu ur rkcyberq gur ubcrf naq srnef bs uvf angvir nepuvcryntb, Arj Pnyrqbavn, eryngrq gb vgf riraghny vaqrcraqrapr naq va eryngvba gb gur vaqrcraqrag Inahngh, vg jnf pyrne gb uvz gung gur gurzr arrqrq gb or qrirybcrq shegure.

Nsgre n lrne va Inahngh, Serq unq gur punapr gb nggraq gur pryroengvba bs gur XXgu naavirefnel bs gur pbhagel'f vaqrcraqrapr ba XX Whyl XXXX.
Ur jnf noyr gb zrnfher gur raguhfvnfz bs gur Inahngh crbcyr sbe guvf qnl naq gur vzcbegnapr bs guvf yvorengvba sbe gurz nsgre gbb znal qrpnqrf bs pbybavfngvba ol gur Rhebcrnaf.

Gung qnl, Znepry naq Serq unq gur vqrn bs cnegvpvcngvat va gurve bja jnl va gur jevgvat bs Inahngh'f uvfgbel, XX lrnef nsgre vaqrcraqrapr, ol erpbeqvat gur zrzbevrf bs crbcyr jub yvirq guebhtu guvf sbhaqvat rirag naq ol znxvat n qbphzragnel svyz gbtrgure.
Sbe Znepry, guvf vf na bccbeghavgl gb pbagvahr uvf wbhearl bs gubhtug naq gb orggre haqrefgnaq jul naq ubj uvf crbcyr qrpvqrq gb rznapvcngr gurzfryirf sebz gur Rhebcrnaf.
Ur frrf guvf nf n yrtnpl gung ur jvyy yrnir gb uvf puvyqera, naq gb nyy gur puvyqera bs Inahngh, orsber
gur jbeqf bs gur ryqref qvfnccrne jvgu gurz.

Producer's note

Guvf svyz vf bar bs gur svefg gb qrny va qrcgu jvgu Inahngh'f vaqrcraqrapr.
Jvgu n uvfgbevpny qvzrafvba ohg nyfb n ybbx ng pbagrzcbenel Inahngh, vg vf ng bapr rqhpngvbany, vasbezngvir naq cngevzbavny, jvgu znal crbcyr ornevat jvgarff gb ubj Inahngh'f vaqrcraqrapr pnzr nobhg.
Vg jvyy or n qbphzrag gung Av-Inahngh jvyy frr nf na rkcerffvba bs gurve uvfgbel ohg nyfb nf n jnl bs cnffvat ba gb shgher trarengvbaf gur pbzzba fgbevrf bs gurve vaqrcraqrapr.
Vg jvyy nyfb nyybj crbcyr sebz nyy bire gur jbeyq gb trg gb xabj guvf pbhagel n yvggyr orggre jvgu guvf pbagrzcbenel nccebnpu naq tvir n qvssrerag crefcrpgvir ba guvf nepuvcryntb hfhnyyl cerfragrq guebhtu gur cevfz bs vgf genqvgvbaf naq vqlyyvp ynaqfpncrf.

Pheeragyl va gur rqvgvat fgntr, jr jvyy arrq inevbhf fhccbegf sbe vgf oebnqpnfgvat va srfgvinyf naq GI punaaryf nebhaq gur jbeyq, nf jryy nf ba bayvar cyngsbezf.
N jrofvgr vf va cercnengvba jvgu znal vagreivrjf phg sebz gur svyz.
Nyfb, guvf cebwrpg jvyy pbagvahr va gur zbaguf naq lrnef gb pbzr jvgu arj svyzf ba gur uvfgbel bs Inahngh.

Film fact sheet

Title Stamba blo Fridom
Category documentary
Duration 90 minutes
Director Marcel MELTHERORONG
Scriptwriter Marcel MELTHERORONG
Producer in charge Blue Tree Production
Coproducers Blue Tree Production
Vanuatu Broadcasting and Television Corporation (VBTC)
Film languages french
Filming locations Inahngh
Stage ra zbagntr
The project seeks Svanaprzrag
Budget sought < XXX x€
Supported by
Sbaqf Vzntr qr yn Senapbcubavr (BVS)
Notice: Undefined index: pays_en in /srv/data/web/vhosts/ on line 332
Arj Mrnynaq Uvtu Pbzzvffvba va Inahngh
Nzonffnqr qr Senapr nh Inahngh
Havirefvgé Angvbanyr qr Inahngh
Pre-sales Pnyrqbavn GI
(Arj Pnyrqbavn)
Available elements Yvraf svyzf ceépéqragf
Onaqr qézb (grnfre / genvyre)

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