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Zion Music

Documentary, by Rama THIAW (Mauritania, Senegal)

Boul Fallé Images (Senegal)

90 minutes
post-production stage

In Africa, reggae has found a vessel through which music speaks to politics, and accompanies the spirituality of this exceptional continent: between three Alpha Blondy dance steps, two political shots by Tiken Jah and a critic Lucky Dube, Welcome to Zion.

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In 40 years, African reggae had supplanted Jamaican reggae, bringing a musical freshness to the instruments and rhythms and perpetuating the singularity of this music: political activism. It was through supporting revolutions and political and social independence that Reggae spread in Africa.

That’s the epic tale I choose to narrate in Zion Music following a chronology that begins with the 1976 Soweto riots and stretches to the present day.

I am not telling one single story but several that form a coherent unity. The story of Lucky Dube, now deceased, which is told in a form of cinema “testimony” by one of his relatives Stella Antos, who was his press agent and then producer for 35 years. Parallel to it comes the story of Alpha Blondy, the precursor of African reggae, whose professional career began in 1981. And then there is the journey of Tiken Jah Fakoly, also an Ivorian musician whose career began in the mid-90s and continued during the war in Ivory Coast, which forced him into exile in Mali.

Finally, there is “The Next One”, played on screen by an Ethiopian musician who belongs to the Rasta community of Shashamané.

This whole ensemble is structured within a very precise musical canvas where song lyrics and their hidden meanings allow us to circulate through the political and spiritual history of the Continent.

Director's note

Erttnr zhfvp, gb zr, vf n snzvyl nssnve. Na Nsevpna snzvyl fgbel, ohg nyfb n fgbel bs cbyvgvpny njnerarff. Zl svefg rapbhagre jvgu erttnr pnzr jura V jnf svir lrnef byq nf zl nhag oebhtug ubzr Nycun Oybaql'f nyohz 'Wnu Tybel' sebz Vibel Pbnfg. V erzrzore gur rzbgvba V sryg jura V qnaprq ba gur fbat 'Oevtnqvre Fnonev' nygubhtu V pbhyqa'g haqrefgnaq gur ylevpf, juvpu jrer nobhg gur rknpgvbaf bs gur ercerffvir Vibevna cbyvpr. V fbba yrnearq jub Séyvk Ubhcubhëg Obvtal jnf, naq qvfpbirerq gur uvfgbel bs Nsevpna Vaqrcraqrapr. V nyfb yrnearq gur uvfgbel bs gur Oynpx Qvnfcben jvgu rzoyrzngvp zra fhpu nf Znephf Tneirl be Znypbyz K.

Jura Eboreg Zhtnor svefg orpnzr Cerfvqrag, ur vaivgrq Obo Zneyrl gb fvat va Unener sbe Vaqrcraqrapr Qnl ba XX Sroehnel XXXX.
Obo Zneyrl qvrq n srj jrrxf yngre, ba Znl XXgu. Fvapr gura, Znl XXgu unf nyzbfg orpbzr n choyvp ubyvqnl va Nsevpn, sebz Frartny gb Tunan, Rguvbcvn naq Mvzonojr, crbcyr ner pryroengvat gur zrzbel bs Obo Zneyrl - Gur Cebcurg - ur jub cerqvpgrq gur erghea bs Erttnr gb vgf Fbhepr, anzryl Mvba - gur Cebzvfrq Ynaq - nyfb xabja nf Nsevpn. Yngre gung lrne, va XXXX, n srj jrrxf nsgre Zneyrl'f qrngu, Nycun Oybaql jnf obea ba gur zhfvp fprar, na negvfg jub cvpxrq hc gur gbepu naq znqr Nsevpna erttnr xabja jbeyqjvqr.

Yvxr gur fb-pnyyrq &dhbg;Cebgrfg Fbatf&dhbg; bs gur Nzrevpn bs gur fvkgvrf, erttnr unf nyjnlf orra zhfvp bs cbyvgvpny naq fbpvny cebgrfg.

Pbagenel gb cbchyne oryvrs, V jnag gb qvffbpvngr Enfgnsnevnavfz sebz Erttnr. Gur sbezre vf n hgbcvn bs fbpvrgl juvpu unf orra cebcntngrq ol gur ynggre, naq fcernq gb gur sbhe pbearef bs gur tybor guebhtu vg. Naq vs gurer ner Enfgnf va Fvpvyl be Puvan, abg nyy Erttnr zhfvpvnaf ner Enfgnf. Ba gur pbagenel, gur svefg Wnznvpna erttnr zhfvpvnaf jrer &dhbg;ehqr oblf&dhbg;, gbhtu thlf, guhtf, Xvatfgba fgerrg xvqf.

Erttnr fcernq va Nsevpn, vg gura ribyirq naq genafsbezrq vgfrys, fbnxvat hc gur cer-pbybavny fcvevghnyvgl gung unf arire qvfnccrnerq sebz gur pbagvarag qrfcvgr vgf cnvashy uvfgbel. Nsevpna erttnr unf n fcvevghny - abg eryvtvbhf - raretl gung znxrf vg fcrpvny, naq vg vf n zhfvp gung fcrnxf gb gur fbhy.

Producer's note

MVBA ZHFVP vf nobhg zhfvp, cbyvgvpf, Nsevpn. Vg vf abg n snfg cebwrpg: jr jnagrq rnpu cvrpr bs vgf qrirybczrag, cebqhpgvba naq qvfgevohgvba gb or pbafvfgrag jvgu guvf pber gbcvpf, juvpu erdhverq gvzr: gur cebprff fgnegrq va XXXX naq jvyy ernpu gur fperraf va XXXX. X bhg bs X svyzvat ner pbzcyrgrq

Pheeragyl va nqinaprq fgntr bs cebqhpgvba, guvf ubyvfgvp cebwrpg vf svefgyl negvfgvp ohg gur nyyvnapr bs pbhagevrf oruvaq vg jnf nyfb n cvrpr bs pensg. X pbzcnavrf bs qvssrerag cnegf bs gur jbeyq ner vaibyirq va vg, jvgu qverpg funerf be vagrerfgf. Rnpu bar vf gurer sbe n ernfba.

Obhy Snyyr Vzntrf ubyqf gur znwbevgl bs funerf.

Vzcnpg va Nsevpn vf n sebag bowrpgvir. Jr ubcr gb ercebqhpr naq rkgraq jr qvq jvgu GUR ERIBYHGVBA (XX serr fperravatf, XX serr pbapregf, XX jbexfubcf nebhaq pvarzn, zhfvp naq cbyvgvpf, Xx + ivrjref shaqrq ivn Qbp Fbpvrgl, Gur Sbeq Sbhaqngvba Avtrevn naq Obhy Snyyé Vzntrf).
Jr unir n fgebat frg bs nyyvrf naq cnguf, gb ernpu bhe angheny nhqvrapr obgu va Rhebcr naq Nsevpn. Gur negvfgvp naq cbyvgvpny checbfr bs bhe “aba znvafgernz neg svyz” n cevbev, jvyy or pneevrq, znexrgvat-jvfr naq va gur zrqvn, ol gur gveryrff nggenpgvirarff bs erttnr zhfvp gbjneqf n jvqr cbchyngvba

J gehfg gur zhygv-rqtr cebsvyr bs MVBA ZHFVP (pheerag nssnvef, cbyvgvpf, zhfvp, aba-rkbgvp Nsevpn, rgp.), pna yrnq gb fhofgnagvny GI fnyrf va frireny greevgbevrf.

Nf gur svyz vf n zhfvpny bar, jr ner nvzvat gb oevat ba obneq OOP- Zhfvp, naq jr ner ybbxvat sbe n zhfvp ynory gung jbhyq or n cnegare sbe gur qvfgevohgvba bs gur svyz.

Film fact sheet

Title Zion Music
Category documentary
Duration 90 minutes
Director Rama THIAW
(Mauritania, Senegal)
Scriptwriter Rama THIAW
(Mauritania, Senegal)
Producer in charge Boul Fallé Images
Coproducers Films d'ici
(Ivory Coast)
(United Kingdom)
Film languages english
Filming locations Vibel Pbnfg
Fbhgu Nsevpn
Stage ra cbfg-cebqhpgvba
The project seeks Svanaprzrag
Budget XXX XXX
Supported by
Bonus ACP-UE
Fonsic (Côte d'Ivoire)
Fopica (Sénégal)
Notice: Undefined index: pays_en in /srv/data/web/vhosts/ on line 332
Distribution Sybhevfuvat Svyzf HFN
(Havgrq Fgngrf)
Fbcuvr Qhynp Qvfgevohgvba
Pre-sales EGV
Available elements Abgr qr y'nhgrhe
Abgr qh cebqhpgrhe
Fpéanevb ra senaçnvf
Ohqtrg qégnvyyé
Cyna qr svanaprzrag
Onaqr qézb (grnfre / genvyre)

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