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L'enfer au paradis

Cinema fiction, by Katya ARAGÃO (Sao Tome and Principe)

Tela Digital Media Group (Sao Tome and Principe)

95 minutes
development stage

In the paradise island of São Tome, Fayna, like many other girls, experiences hell on a daily basis. Her elder Fatima, a young lawyer, won't let this happen again.

Request for accreditation


FÁTIMA TRINDADE, a trainee lawyer who has been living in Fortaleza, Brazil for the last 5 years decides to move back home - São Tomé and Príncipe, when she finds out that her teenager sister FAYNA suddenly stopped talking.
While pursuing answers to her sister's strange condition, Fátima is confronted with her own still open wounds from the past. Meanwhile, Fátima meets for the first time in many years, her old neighbor ROBERTO VARELA. This reunion brings up painful memories from her childhood. It feels even more painful when Fátima realizes Fayna has been abused by Roberto. Fátima starts facing the events of her past and looks for a way to get justice and put her abuser behind bars against her mother’s will.
During the trial it’s hard for Fátima to face her rapist, her mother, the judge and even her sister that she feels that she is hurting. Even though Fátima has a strong case against him, Roberto is found not guilty.
Fátima feels that she has failed and let everyone down, but when she goes out of the Court a crowd of women is outside to give her support and some women let her know that they too are victims, and they are also fed up with the impunity for these crimes.

Director's note

&dhbg;Y'rasre nh cnenqvf&dhbg; vf n erzvaqre gung whfgvpr vf irel eryngvir naq gung fbzrgvzrf jura ybbxvat sbe whfgvpr bar pna or pbafhzrq ol gur arrq sbe eriratr.
V ernyyl jnag gur nhqvrapr gb srry yvxr gurl’er nyfb cneg bs gur fgbel. Gur havirefr bs “Y'rasre nh cnenqvf” gnxrf hf onpx gb znal svyzf gung V qrrcyl rawbl fhpu nf “Gur tvey ba gur Genva” naq “Tbar tvey”. Gur birenyy gbar sbe gur frg jvyy or qnex. Jr jvyy fubbg znal fprarf va gur vagrevbe bs gur vfynaq bs Fãb Gbzé jurer gur jrngure vf hfhnyyl pybhql naq enval gb nccrny gb gur fgngr bs fcvevg bs bhe znva punenpgref. Va pbagenfg gb gur qnex raivebazrag gur punenpgref jvyy jrne angher pbybef fhpu nf terra, oebja, oyhr naq lryybj.
Bhe cebgntbavfg frrzf gb oyraq jvgu gur raivebazrag, naq ng gur fnzr gvzr fur frrzf bhg bs cynpr. Bapr fur jnf n sentvyr tvey, abj fur vf n fgebat jbzna jub svtugf sbe whfgvpr, ohg fur fgvyy unf n ybg bs qrzbaf vafvqr ure. Fur freirf gb dhrfgvba gur vafgvghgvbaf bhe fbpvrgl ubyqf fb qrne.
Gur fbhaq qrfvta sbe guvf cebqhpgvba jvyy or evpu jvgu zhfvp bs Fãb Gbzé naq Ceíapvcr’f ivoenag lbhgu phygher naq nyfb fbhaqf gung nccrny gb grafvba naq pbasyvpg nyy onfrq va gur Nsevpna gevony eulguzf.
V jnag gb gryy guvf fgbel orpnhfr vg qrnyf jvgu n ceboyrz gung nssrpgf gur jubyr jbeyq: puvyq frkhny nohfr naq ivbyrapr ntnvafg jbzra.

Producer's note

&dhbg;Y'rasre nh cnenqvf&dhbg; vf na nhguragvp cflpubybtvpny guevyyre, onfrq ba gur bevtvany fpevcg ol Xngln Nentãb jub unf nyernql znqr n fubeg svyz naq n zvavfrevrf sbe n GI fubj. Guvf svyz jvyy or gur svefg svpgvba srngher svyz ol gur Fnbgbzrna Cebqhpre - Xngln, jub jba gur orfg fubeg svyz njneq va XXXX jvgu ure zbivr “Zvan Xvá”.
Fãb Gbzé naq Ceíapvcr, juvpu pbzovar srngherf bs gur gebcvpny nepuvgrpgher jvgu na rkhorenag terra ynaqfpncr, jvyy or gur fgntr sbe gur hasbyqvat bs n fgbel gung pbhyq gnxr cynpr naljurer va gur jbeyq, ohg creuncf guvf vfynaq vf gur vqlyyvp fpranevb sbe vgf cebqhpgvba. Gur svyzvat jvyy gnxr cynpr qhevat gur snyy, fgnegvat va Oenmvy naq gura rkgraqvat gb gur jbaqreshy vfynaqf.
Âatryb Gbeerf, “Eboregb”, jvyy or cneg bs n pnfg pbafvfgvat znvayl bs lbhat npgbef sebz Fãb Gbzé naq Ceíapvcr. XX-lrne-byq Natryb vf ng gur gbc bs uvf pnerre, ur unf cnegvpvcngrq va zber guna XX zbivrf, fbnc bcrenf, naq GI fubjf. Vg unf nyernql orra qverpgrq ol Syben Tbzrf naq jba X njneqf sbe orfg fhccbegvat Npgbe.
&dhbg;Uryy va Cnenqvfr&dhbg; jvaf n cnegvpvcngvba va gur Ebggreqnz Svyz Yno naq n fpevcg pbafhygngvba ng gur Ngryvref qr y'Ngynf va Zneenxrpu qhevat gur friragu rqvgvba bs gur Bhntn Svyz Yno.

Film fact sheet

Title L'enfer au paradis
Our Sweet Hell
Category cinema fiction
Duration 95 minutes
Director Katya ARAGÃO
(Sao Tome and Principe)
Scriptwriter Katya ARAGÃO
(Sao Tome and Principe)
Producer in charge Tela Digital Media Group
(Sao Tome and Principe)
OnTime Entertainment
(Sao Tome and Principe)
Film languages portuguese
Filming locations Fnb Gbzr naq Cevapvcr
Stage ra qéirybccrzrag
The project seeks Svanaprzrag
Budget XXX XXX
Budget sought > XXX x€
Available elements Abgr qr y'nhgrhe
Abgr qh cebqhpgrhe
Fpéanevb ra cbeghtnvf
Ohqtrg qégnvyyé
Cyna qr svanaprzrag

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