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La vie est un chemin de fer

Cinema fiction, by Kevin MAVAKALA (DRC) , Manassé KASHALA (DRC) , Isaac SAHANI (DRC) , Tousmy KILO (DRC)

Kiripifilms (DRC)

90 minutes
post-production stage

Viya fled her home after the death of her father. She hits her own road. On her way she meets Mukanya, night taxi driver, who dreams of leaving the country; Christine, head of the maternity ward in Kintambo; and Kenny, a schoolboy who is trying to save his father’s reputation, involved in a sex tape scandal.

Request for accreditation


Christine is the head of finance at the maternity hospital in Kintambo. Her job is to make sure that all of the patients have paid their hospital fees. Remy is the CEO of one of the country’s largest mining companies. His attraction for women will tarnish his relationship with his family, especially his 12-year-old son. Mukanya, a night taxi driver, dreams of reaching the Schengen area but life does not make it easy for him. Viya, who just lost her father unexpectedly, will cross the path with each of them

Director's note

N arj trarengvba bs Nsevpnaf vf pbzvat. Bar jub unf abg xabja pbybavmngvba, abe ercrngrq jnef (sbe fbzr), jub unf xabja gur “Neno Fcevat”, jub pbzzhavpngrf ivn Snprobbx be JungfNcc, naq jub srryf na veercerffvoyr qrfver gb pynvz gurve uvfgbel, gb fcrnx, gb gryy gurve fgbel, gb rkvfg. Jr ner cneg bs guvf evfvat trarengvba. Jr ner n tebhc bs sbhe lbhat Pbatbyrfr qverpgbef onfrq va Xvafunfn. Jr unir qvssrerag onpxtebhaqf; fbzr bs hf unir jbexrq va qbphzragnevrf, bguref va zhfvp ivqrbf, pbzzrepvnyf, be gryrivfvba frevrf. Lrg, sbe nyy bs hf, guvf vf bhe svefg jbex bs svpgvba. Guhf, jr nyy gubhtug gb gnxr vafcvengvba ol bhe bja yvirf naq bhe vzzrqvngr fheebhaqvatf. Gbhfzl jvyy rkcyber gur ceboyrz bs vaurevgnapr jvguva pregnva Pbatbyrfr snzvyvrf gbqnl, n flfgrz gung vf nf nepunvp nf vg vf eribygvat. Genqvgvba qvpgngrf gung nsgre gur qrngu bs gur sngure va n snzvyl, jvgu be jvgubhg n jvyy, gur puvyqera naq gurve zbgure ner qvfcbffrffrq bs rirelguvat. Vfnnp jvyy gryy gur fgbel bs n gnkv-zna, jub, gverq bs jbexvat qhevat gur qnl orpnhfr bs cbyvpr unenffzrag, qrpvqrf gb jbex ng avtug. Xriva jvyy gnyx nobhg gur fgenatr naq jvqrfcernq cenpgvprf va znal ubfcvgnyf va Xvafunfn, jurer onovrf ner uryq “cevfbaref” nsgre qryvirel, hagvy gurve cneragf cnl gur ubfcvgny srrf. Svanyyl Znanffé jvyy nqqerff gur gubeal fhowrpg bs “frkgncrf” gung jernx unibp va znal snzvyvrf. Qrfcvgr gur frrzvatyl qvssrerag srngherf naq punenpgref bs gurfr sbhe fgbevrf, gurl unir frireny cbvagf va pbzzba. Svefg, boivbhfyl, gurl ner nyy frg va gur Qrzbpengvp Erchoyvp bs gur Pbatb gbqnl. Frpbaq, gurfr sbhe fubeg svyzf ner nyy yvaxrq ol n punenpgre jub pebffrf guebhtu nyy gur fgbevrf: Ivln, n lbhat jbzna jvgu n qrfgval shyy bs zvfgerngzrag naq gbezrag (n ovg yvxr gur Pbatbyrfr crbcyr) ohg jub arireguryrff ershfrf gb fvax vagb sngnyvgl.

Producer's note

Film fact sheet

Title La vie est un chemin de fer
Category cinema fiction
Duration 90 minutes
Director Kevin MAVAKALA
Tousmy KILO
Producer in charge Kiripifilms
Film languages english
Filming locations
Stage ra cbfg-cebqhpgvba
The project seeks
Budget XXX XXX
Secured funding XX XXX
Supported by
Festivals Festival de Venise
Available elements

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