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Raised by goats

Cinema fiction, by Gibrey ALLEN (Jamaica)

Raw Management Agency (Jamaica)

100 minutes

Request for accreditation


On the cusp of Jamaica’s 1962 independence, in a rural town, Trudy (23) is left in isolated grief after the sudden death of her husband. She begins to feel a visceral draw to the Blue Mountains, a place steep in lore and spirits. Upon entering the mountains, Trudy meets Ocot (24) a strange and withdrawn man who barely utters a word and only communes with his goat herd. Despite Trudy’s anxieties, they quickly develop an unspoken curiosity for each other. As their attraction deepens the native mysticism shrouding Ocot and the Mountain begins to surface; a play between the spiritual world and reality. Through vivid dreams and intense flashbacks conjured by the natural sounds and surroundings, Ocot’s true heritage is revealed, the truth of Trudy’s husband’s death and her painful miscarriage. New threats arise from the town’s fear and distrust of Ocot’s reclusive and ritualistic lifestyle endangers the new couple. Ocot must stake his life to protect his home, Trudy and their unborn child.

Director's note

Envfrq ol Tbngf jnf vafcverq ol zlfgvpny fgbevrf V urneq tebjvat hc va Wnznvpn. Fgbevrf gung jbhyq vagevthr, fpner naq fcnex gur vzntvangvba bs obgu lbhat naq byq. V fgnegrq haqrefgnaqvat gur yrffbaf, jneavatf, naq thvqnapr va gurfr fgbevrf nf V tbg byqre. Guvf fgbel vf senzrq va gung genqvgvba, vaivgvat gur fgenatr naq zlfgvpny nf jryy nf gur pbzcyrkvgvrf naq ornhgl bs bhe crbcyr naq phygher. N fgbel bs snzvyl, ybff, naq erovegu frg jvguva gur yhfu Wnznvpna Oyhr Zbhagnva ynaqfpncr. V nvz gb cebprff gur rssrpgf bs pbybavnyvfz va vgf pbagrzcbenel sbez. Gb guvf raq, gur svyz vf frg va cer-vaqrcraqrag Wnznvpn. Nf gur pbhagel svtugf naq zbirf gbjneq vaqrcraqrapr, vg cnenyyryf Gehql’f fgehttyr gbjneqf serrqbz naq frys-qvfpbirel nsgre na vafhssrenoyr zneevntr. Obgu chfu ntnvafg n uvfgbel bs rkcybvgngvba, frys-qbhog naq srne gb nggnva n shgher ba gurve grezf. N shgher ohvyg ba gur crefrirenapr bs gur vaqbzvgnoyr uhzna fcvevg. 

Producer's note

Vg unf nyjnlf orra fnvq gung Wnznvpn vf zber guna n pbhagel, vg’f na rkcrevrapr. Wnznvpn’f qvirefr uvfgbel naq gur erfvyvrapr naq qrgrezvangvba bs vgf crbcyr unir vasyhraprq gur pbhagel’f evpu phygher. Envfrq ol Tbngf, rapncfhyngrf gur nhguragvpvgl bs Wnznvpn’f uvfgbel jvgu vgf zlfgvpny cbegenlny bs gur crbcyr naq urevgntr bs gur ynaq. Jura V jnf nccebnpurq ol Tvoerl Nyyra gb cebqhpr guvf cebwrpg, V whzcrq ng gur bccbeghavgl. V jnf raguenyyrq ol gur negvfgvp ercerfragngvba bs gur fgbel naq ubj vg puebavpyrf gur uvfgbel bs Pnevoorna crbcyr’f wbhearl va n pbybavfrq ren naq gur vzcerffvbaf vg unf ba gbqnl’f trarengvba. Gur svyz pbzrf ng n gvzr jura gurer ner zber gnyxf fheebhaqvat ercnengvba naq Pnevoorna Pbzzbajrnygu Fgngrf univat vagragvbaf gb erzbir gur zbanepu nf gurve fbirervta. V jnag gb or n cneg bs guvf pbairefngvba jvgu Envfrq ol Tbngf. Gur svyz jvyy pbaarpg jvgu vgf jvqr nhqvrapr sbe vgf uvfgbevpny ersreraprf naq vgf gurzrf bs ybir, crefrirenapr naq ivfhny evpuarff.

Film fact sheet

Title Raised by goats
Elevé par des chèvres
Category cinema fiction
Duration 100 minutes
Director Gibrey ALLEN
Producer in charge Raw Management Agency
Film languages english
Filming locations
The project seeks
Budget X XXX XXX
Secured funding XX XXX
Supported by
Festivals Locarno Open Doors
Available elements

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