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You are a producer, distributor, TV, platform, festival, agent, advertiser or sponsor ?
OuiCoprod was made for you.
To facilitate your connection with producers from the ACP Countries (Africa, Caribbean, Pacific) looking for partners.

Create you PRO ACCESS to visualize the artistic, financial & legal data available on each project, and contact directly their executive producers.


131 African, Caribbean and Pacific projects looking for partners:

131  projects to read through:
65 fictions (of which 9 short films), 36 documentaries, 29 series and 11  films / series animation titles ;
48  West African projects, 27  from Central Africa, 10  from East Africa & Indian Ocean, 1  from Southern Africa, 1  Pacific, 7  Caribbean ;
41  development stage, 26  in production, 20  in post-production, 37  terminés ;
33  first or second works, 15  low budget titles, 50  directed by women.

All these projects have passed through the selection of OIF (Francophony) and / or Fonsic (Ivory Coast) film commissions and most of them already gained a grant from Clap ACP (Europen Union & Organization of ACP States).

Nabih DAY & B. GUENIOT receive 80K production grant from OIF

Sivana received €40,000 from the 1st cinema-fiction-commission of the Fonds Image de la Francophonie in May 2024, raised to €80,000 thanks to the ACP-EU bonus.



Joël AKAFOU receives 80K production grant from OIF

Lonan Tchè received €40,000 from the 1st documentary-series-commission of the Fonds Image de la Francophonie in May 2024, raised to €80,000 thanks to the ACP-EU bonus.



Kady TRAORE receives 80K production grant from OIF

Born daughter received €40,000 from the 1st documentary-series-commission of the Fonds Image de la Francophonie in May 2024, raised to €80,000 thanks to the ACP-EU bonus.



Zanatany premieres in Rotterdam FF

Probably one of the 1st Comorean films in a Class-A Festival.



Cinema fiction, by Samuel Frantz SUFFREN (Haïti)

25 minutes - 2024


Cinema fiction, by Kevin AUBERT (Cameroun)

30 minutes


Documentary, by Boubacar Gakou TOURE (Mali)



Series, by Carlos Suffisant NDJIHORO (République centrafricaine)



Africa, Caribbean & Pacific in front-row

« A-C-P »: never had these 3 regions displayed that much creativity on screen and never had they been so greeted, in festivals, on platforms, by audiences. The emergence of these new talents is fostered by new support mechanisms: film funds in a dozen of African countries, stronger efforts form traditional funders like Francophony (OIF), European Union (EU) or the Organization of ACP States (OACPS). Nevertheless, it remains more difficult to start and complete a film when you are a filmmaker or producer in Haiti, Chad or Vanuatu – and more so in 2020-21 when networking opportunities in festivals & markets were divided by ten. OuiCoprod is a professional platform implemented by several public support funds to facilitate talks between ACP film & series producers and their partners all over the world: production houses, agents & distributors, festivals & TV/platforms, sponsors & advertisers, technical & artistic partners.

Selected, pre-financed projects

The few dozens of fictions, documentaries and series presented on OuiCoprod were all picked by very selective commissions, among 400 applications examined in 2020-21; three quarters of them count with at least one grant awarded by OIF, Fonsic (Ivory Coast), EU and ACP.
Professionals looking for new projects, or completed works from ACP countries will therefore find here a selection of the most solid on the market, artistically or production-wise.
They will be able to receive advice from « the experts » that make OuiCoprod a lively tool more than a digital window - Initiative Film for cinema fictions, the Yaoundé Film Lab for documentaries, DISCOP AFRICA for TV series & fictions – who will know best what project will best suit their search. Ask now for PRO ACCESS and start reading through the confidential artistic & production data of all projects.