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Le dernier refuge

Documentary, by Ousmane SAMASSÉKOU (Mali)

DS Productions (Mali)

80 minutes

The Migrants’ House in Gao is a stopover on the hard road to Europe - or on the difficult way back. A documentary that won a prize at its world premiere at CPH: DOX.

Request for accreditation


In the middle of the Sahel at the border of the Mali-Algeria desert, a lone house constitutes the only refuge for many migrants on their way to Europe, or on the difficult return. But is there a life for the deported who return to the country?


CPH DOX Copenhague (Denmark) - Grand prize
Escales documentaire de La Rochelle (France) - Grand Jury prize
Encounters (Cape town, South Africa)) - Best African documentary award
Porto Post Doc (Portugal) - Grand Jury prize
JCC Carthage (Tunisia) - Silver Tanit for 2nd Best African documentary
RIDM Montréal (Canada) - Competition

52' version freely available on :

Film fact sheet

Title Le dernier refuge
The last shelter
Category documentary
Duration 80 minutes
Director Ousmane SAMASSÉKOU
Scriptwriter Ousmane SAMASSÉKOU
Producer in charge DS Productions
Coproducers Steps Africa
(South Africa)
Productions du Bali Bali
Pre-sales NEGR
Festivals CPH Dox (Copenhagen Int Documentary Festival)

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