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Chez les zébus francophones : Sitabaomba (Sitabaomba)

Documentary, by Nantenaina LOVA (Madagascar)


100 minutes

Confronted with speculators who seek to monopolize and destroy their rice fields, peasants respond with the unexpected voice of an allegorical spectacle of object theater.

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In the heart of a plain of rice fields surrounded by the capital city, the hamlet of Ly is the last bastion of the Antananarivo peasantry. In 2016, on the occasion of the La Francophonie summit and thanks to a Chinese "spirit of solidarity", a road was built there. The corrupt government then encouraged land speculation ignoring the regulations that prohibited building on this flood-prone land. Since then, Ly and all the peasants of the plain have watched helplessly as "their" rice fields are taken over by mysterious investors with long arms. Over the years, influenced by Hasina, his eldest daughter, Ly challenges the teachings of agents of the Ministry of Agriculture in favor of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and GMOs. Helped by artists, Hasina also wants to make the youngest think. Thus, they run workshops in which they imagine the negotiations that have decided their fate and create a show that seeks to define the peasant soul. From "manipulated", they become those who plan and pull the strings.

Film fact sheet

Title Chez les zébus francophones : Sitabaomba
Les zébus francophones
Bomb Bay
Category documentary
Duration 100 minutes
Director Nantenaina LOVA
Scriptwriter Nantenaina LOVA
Producer in charge ENDEMIKA FILMS
Coproducers Diam Production
(Burkina Faso)
Papang Films
Niko Film
Film languages malagasy

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