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L'oubli tue deux fois

Documentary, by Pierre-Michel JEAN (Haiti)

Productions Fanal (Haiti)

70 minutes

Four Haitian and Dominican actors and a photographer question a hidden past: the massacre of Haitians in the Dominican Republic in 1937.

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Haiti and the Dominican Republic share the Quisqueya island and a hidden genocide. Dominican dictator Rafael Leonidas Trujillo had more than 20,000 Haitian immigrants living in the Dominican Republic massacred in the fall of 1937. Daphné Ménard, Haitian director, brings together actors from both parts of the island around this event. An unprecedented creation that will ask both of these peoples to recall certain dark areas of their history.

Film fact sheet

Title L'oubli tue deux fois
Category documentary
Duration 70 minutes
Director Pierre-Michel JEAN
Scriptwriter Pierre-Michel JEAN
Producer in charge Productions Fanal
Coproducers Soup Joumou
(Dominican Republic)
L'image d'après
Film languages creole
Pre-sales Ylba Pncvgnyr GI

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