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Cinema fiction, by Naishe NYAMUBAYA (Zimbabwe)

263 Reels (Zimbabwe)

100 minutes

Request for accreditation


Nina, a young, up-and-coming singer, mysteriously loses her voice after undergoing surgery for her vocal cords. Desperate for answers, and unable to obtain any reasonable explanation scientifically, her budding career collapses, and her life begins to spiral out of control. A now mute Nina finds comfort in Herbert, a now infamous soccer star who seems to have lost his talent for the game overnight. The duo cross paths with an ageing writer who, despite his arthritis, is adamant that his gift for writing was stolen from him. Piecing together that they all had surgical procedures done at the same clinic, the trio's trail leads them on a daring manhunt for the man they believe to have stolen their talents and sold them off to high-end, untalented clientele. Hellbent on reclaiming what was taken from them, the trio forces the man who robbed them to reveal the secret underground world of the talent market as they trace each person whose gifts were sold to. The writer's gift was sold to a failing university student from a wealthy family. Herbert's talent was sold to the striker of a rival team. And Nina discovers that her estranged mother, a has-been singer of the past, purchased Nina's voice for herself.

Director's note

Guvf svyz vf nobhg bofrffvba. Zveebevat pbagrzcbenel fbpvrgl guebhtu gur yraf bs zlfgrel naq guevyyre, vg vf n uneebjvat cbegenlny bs bhe pbyyrpgvir bofrffvba gb or terng, gur qnatrebhf zrnfherf jr ner jvyyvat gb gnxr punfvat terngarff, naq gubfr jub cebsvg sebz cebivqvat gubfr zrnfherf ng bhe rkcrafr.

Producer's note

Film fact sheet

Title Graft
Category cinema fiction
Duration 100 minutes
Director Naishe NYAMUBAYA
Producer in charge 263 Reels
Film languages english
Filming locations
The project seeks
Budget X XXX XXX
Supported by
Festivals Durban Filmart
Available elements

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